Combating Misinformation in times of COVID-19 in Buea-Cameroon

Ethical and Sustainable Future for All (ESFA) with funds from Global Youths Mobilisation in line with the ongoing project on ‘combating Misinformation in times of COVID-19 in Cameroon’ visited the Bernice Comprehensive College Mile 16 on the 6th of May 2022. The aim of the outreach was to sensitize the students on the measures put in place by the World Health Organisation and the national authorities in combating the spread of COVID-19.

During the awareness campaign, the issue of misinformation was at the centre and Mr Shing Praise who introduced the objective of the project advised students to be cautious about the type of information they consume and that they should always check the sources of every information relating to COVID-19 before sharing or consuming. He reiterated that sharing of fake news is punishable by the law and perpetrators of such are responsible for the outcome of their acts. Falon reiterated that the World Health Organisation’s official websites and social media platforms are some of the accurate digital platforms that students can rely on when it comes to issues concerning COVID-19. While speaking to the students, he elaborated that staying informed with accurate development around the spread of the COVID-19 will save them, families and members of their various communities. The increase in misinformation especially on social media has become unbearable as it has continue to lead the population to taking unwise decisions.

Miss. Kongyuy Falon, a medical nurse and our health resource person emphasised on the measures put in place by the world and local authorities to combat the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. Sanitation, wearing of facemask, and vaccination are some of the most effective means of preventing the spread of COVID-19. She reiterated that the vaccinations are safe while quoting the example of presidents and world leaders who have taken their vaccines and are doing well and protected against the spread of COVID-19. As nurse who is actively dealing with the Cholera cases at the Buea Regional Hospital, she also elaborated on the importance of Hygiene in the prevention of the Spread of Cholera in Mile 16 which is the area wherein most of the Cholera cases have emerged in the South West Region.

Mr Rumarick Awa our research Officer, encouraged the students to desist from either spreading misinformation or taking into consideration the fake news spreading especially on digital media about the nonexistence of COVID-19 and the campaign by some social media users against the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination. He said that the research which is backed by science has proven that COVID-19 exists and that, many people including presidents have taken the vaccination and are much more immune to to COVID-19.

It is worthy to note that, the COVID-19 pandemic has come with an increase in Gender Based Violence, while speaking to the students in that regards, Miss Yong Harriett our Gender Officer, encouraged students to speak out when their rights are violated.

Coordinated by Mr Miracle wemba our Humanitarian officer, during the event, ESFA also distributed facemasks to students, buckets, hand sanitisers and liquid soap to the school to create awareness on the presence of COVID-19 and the Cholera outbreak wherein Mile 16-Buea is the centre where Cholera cases have continued to increase.

The ESFA founding president, Mr Berinyuy Cajetan expresses gratitude to the entire ESFA team for the success of the event. We thank the Global Youth Mobilisation for funding this project.

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