
Welcome to Ethical and Sustainable Future for All (ESFA). We’re dedicated to giving you the very best in the area of research, environmental protection/climate action, the promotion and protection of gender equality, the promotion of peace, the provision of humanitarian services including economic empowerment of the vulnerable persons and youths thereby increasing employment opportunities and contributing towards achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. ESFA complies with the national and international norms and collaborates with the local, national, and international authorities to achieve its goals.  ESFA also network with partners and people of goodwill with the aim to widen its scope and build community resilience toward development

When we started in 2019 and finally got registered in October 2021, our passion for climate action, gender eqaulity and sustainable development towards ensuring the protection of the rights of all persons irrespective their status, gender or race.

This organisation was founded in the midst of a the Anglophone crisis in the North West and South Was Regions of Cameroon. This crisis exposed the vulnerabilities of the already marginalisde groups such as women and girls, children, the disabled persons and so on.

Please contact us at admin@esfaofficial.org

Berinyuy Cajetan

Founder and President

Ethical and Sustainable Future for All